Individual calf housing is by far the most common form of calf rearing in the country. According to research done by the University of Wisconsin in 2019, 77% of farms raise calves individually
We made this pressure washer gun to wash the insides of our calf bottles on our bottle trailers. It is made so that three bottles can be washed at a time
As more and more data is collected on land use, farm operations, animal health, and food supply chains, many initiatives, including the Dairy Brain project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
In life’s priority list, it can be easy to get wrapped up in what society says we should be doing. Jump on any social network and you can see a ton of advice
Everything on a dairy farm begins with a calf. For that reason, in this article we will explore cow-calf research that was presented at the International Society of Applied Ethology (ISA
We are less than one month from opening the robots to the "feed only" phase to prepare for milking. We have had several meetings getting our minds right and schedules put together for the startup of our...
For most 17-year-old teenagers, managing the family business and finances is not the first thing that crosses their mind in the morning. The same held true for Michael Oosten . . . until his father unexpectedly...
We are in full swing corn silage harvesting mode here at Hillcrest Farms. Last week temperatures rose to 100°F and higher and the humidity was right there with it
Take a look at long forage particles in your feed. They may be slowing your cows down at the feedbunk.It is time to update our recommendations for optimal ration particle size
Things are moving along on the farm. The concrete has been poured. All five of our robots have been set in place. The walls are beginning to go up on our building
We have been taught there are steps to follow when milking a cow. Books have been written about protocols in the parlor . . . but do they always get followed?
Last week, I officially shed the winter coat and put it away. I’m not talking away, away because I’ve now lived in Wisconsin long enough to understand that sometimes April will pretend to be...
The Real Dairy Shootout has been a partnership between the Idaho High School Activities Association, Dairy West, and the United Dairymen of Idaho for over 35 years